Dear Friend,

A lifetime Opportunity to sow into God’s Kingdom

One of the greatest privileges we can have in life, is the opportunity to partner with God and other believers to advance the work of God on earth.

Imagine a place in which children can grow up to know God’s love and develop a meaningful relationship with Him; an environment in which young people can learn to stand out for God in a world fast decaying both morally and spiritually day-by-day; a home where families can worship God together and enjoy fellowship with other believers in an inspiring and peaceful setting; an atmosphere of love where the unchurched can experience the Holy Spirit and discover God’s love in a place of warmth, friendship and excellence.

Imagine a permanent home for our local church, where we can spread the love of God, serve our community and equip people for a life of impact.



God has given us the vision to build the Impact Life Centre, Luton Bedfordshire. We believe this will be a centre of excellence for the glory of God’s kingdom, and we would like you to consider partnering with us to make this vision happen in His name.

God promises to bless those who are a blessing to His work. By contributing to this vision, you will be sowing seeds for eternal rewards when we leave this world.

We would like you to prayerfully consider what you are willing to give towards this work.  You can make a one time or monthly donation to the project using the bank details below.

Thank you for your generosity, and for helping to advance His kingdom on earth.  God bless you

Yours in His service


Pastors Deji and Taze Fayoyin

Senior Pastors, Impact Gospel Centre


“everyone who was willing and whose heart moved them came and brought an offering to the Lord for the work on the house of God” (Exodus 35:21)



Bank Account Details

Please use the bank details provided with your mobile or online banking service provider.


Sort: 20-05-73

Acct: 50258733

Reference: Building Project


Giving Guide

Pledge Amount

Kindly let us know how much you would like to donate by filling out the form below.  

Thank you for your generosity, and for helping to advance His kingdom on earth.




Gift Aid

Also, please consider filling out the Gift Aid declaration form so that you can increase the value of your donation to us by 25%. You can read more about the Gift Aid Scheme by clicking the Giving tab on this website.  God bless you.



We are delighted to have you visit our website. On these pages, we would like to share some important information about the church and introduce you to a few of the benefits of fellowship with us. We hope you will find your experience both enjoyable and informative. May the Lord bless and keep you in the name of Jesus.



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